

来源:www.muyeseed.com   时间:2022-12-10 22:59   点击:139  编辑:admin   手机版




rose 玫瑰花

tulip 郁金香

balsam 凤仙花

canna 美人蕉

lily 百合花

jasmine 茉莉

sweet pea 香豌豆花

sunflower 向日葵

geranium 大竺葵

morning-glory 牵牛花

cosmos 大波斯菊

pansy 三色堇

poppy 罂粟花

marigold 金盏花

carnation 麝香石竹

amaryllis 孤挺花

dahlia 大丽花

pink 石竹花

crocus 番红花

iris 蝴蝶花

hyacinth 风信花

daffodil 黄水仙

chrysanthemum 菊

marguerite, daisy 雏菊

gladiolus 剑兰

cantury plant 龙舌兰

magnolia 木兰

yucca 丝兰

orchid 兰花

freesia 小苍兰

cyclamen 仙客来

begonia 秋海棠

anemone 银莲花

wisteria 柴藤

redbud 紫荆

dogwood 山茱萸

camellia 山茶

hydrangea 八仙花

hibiscus 木槿

peony 芍药

rhododendron 杜鹃花

daphne 瑞香

gardenia 栀子

lilac 紫丁香

night-blooming cereus 仙人掌


范玮琪 - 那些花儿英文版

Where Have All the Flowers Gone

those laughter lets me remind of my those flower

in Each corner in my life quietly open for me

I used to think I will guard forever by the side of them

today we have already been seperated in the boundless crowd 

ain't they all old?

Where they r?

We are thus disperse in separated worlds apart...

la la la la la… misses her.

la la la la la ......Does she still open?

la la la la la …… let it go.

They have already been blew away by the breeze , disperse in each corner of the earth

Some stories ain't spoken it's doesn't matter......

Those moods can not been distinguish the true or false in the years

Now here the bleak grass cluster glow thickly without the blossom flowers

cherish your owned spring summer autumn&winter.....

la la la la la…… misses her

la la la la la… Does she still open?

la la la la la la …… let it go........

They have already been blew away by the breeze . disperse in each corner of the earth

ain't they all old?

Where they r?

We are thus disperse in separated worlds apart...

where have all the flowers gone?

where the flowers gone?

where have all the young girls gone?

where did they all gone?

where have all the young men gone?

where the soldiers gone?

where have all the graveyards gone?

where have all they gone?
