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中文 TO 英文翻译,在线等 谢谢

一、中文 TO 英文翻译,在线等 谢谢

According your comment #5, we have double checked with factory, previous SAMPLE(不太明白你的中文,结尾你讲让客人确认跟样衣,是不是这里也应该是讲之前样衣的做法?) has been made with attachable lining which can be removed completely from body, but current production is single layer of shell with one layer of lining clean finished on seams, thus your require is unpractical, factory suggest to proceed production same as SAMPLE, please kindly confirm.

依据意见中的第5点,同工厂确认工艺后,之前我们做的大货款式是可脱卸里布,可以把羊羔毛的内里全部脱卸下来, 但现在做的大货只有单层面料+一层里布,且在拼缝处是做光的,所以按照你们的要求, 没有实际的用途,工厂建议按照样衣上的工艺做大货,烦请确认。

Based on the 5 points in the opinion, after the confirmation process with the factory, we do before the big payment type is detachable lining, can put the lambs wool inside all of the measures, but now I do big goods is only a single layer fabric cloth + a layer, and do in flat-fell seam is light, so according to your requirement, no actual use, factory advice according to the process in the sample do big goods, please confirm.



layer.confirm()的用法: layer.confirm('确认你的操作?', {icon: 3, title:'提示'}, function( ){ //确认后处理的事情,这里写入你要进行的操作:数据处理等; layer.close( );//关闭弹窗}); 2. 关闭 layer.close() 即为关闭弹窗;


layer.confirm('提示信息', function(index){ var pro = document.mainform; pro.action= ; pro.submit(); layer.close(index); });

四、怎么用一个变量接收 layer.confirm的bool值

给你个例子 sqlconnection con = new sqlconnection(); con.connectionstring = server='cnwj2mxtpc012\\sqlexpress';database='e-learning';uid='sa';pwd='stone123'; // 这是链接数据库的字符串 con.open(); // 打开链接 dataset ds = new dataset(); // 建立ds(相当于虚拟表的一个集合) sqldataadapter da = new sqldataadapter(str, con);// (连接池 用来把数据库的数据填到ds中) int c = da.fill(ds, table);// da.fill 就是将你查询到的填充到ds中的虚拟表table(名字随便取)中,这里返回的c 就是受到查询影响的行数 datarow[] dr = ds.tables[0].select();//新建一个数据数组 将table中的内容读出来 tables[0]就是指 这个table 。 con.close(); // 关闭链接 那现在就可以用 string mark=dr[0][0].tostring(); //dr[0][0] 这里看你自己的表里是几行几列了就怎么取 ok了。


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