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前八句,这首词是怀旧之作,词意比较朦胧,与其他词作直接坦露胸臆略有不同。开篇写出“凭栏”所见初春景色,但盎然的春意并未能驱散主人公心头的愁云。艺术上这叫以乐景写哀情,倍增其哀。主人公独自赁栏“半日”而“无言”,可想见心情的沉重。我们仿佛看到一位面容憔悴的中年男子,临风独立,默默无语,脸上的神情痛苦不堪。到了晚上,新月初升,小院里风吹翠竹,声声入耳。主人公依然独立栏边,回想着往事。这耳畔竹声,眼前新月,与当年南唐宫廷里的景象何其相似。神思恍惚之中,他的思绪回到了当年,眼前又浮现出往日欢乐的场面:池塘里春风荡漾,薄冰初融,池畔嫔妃围坐,酒杯交错,笙歌齐作。君臣同乐,不知今夕是何夕。“烛明”二句陡转,写凭栏后转回室内。画堂里,明烛高照,炉香袅袅,场面不失富丽,但寂静无人,没有一丝生气。对镜自照,满鬓白发,意识到自己年老体衰,生命行将消逝的悲伤不觉袭上心头。莫非此生将老死于此?命运真是捉弄人啊, 一国之君变成了俘虏,从天上附落到人间,这样孤独寂寞、悲伤屈辱的日子何时是个尽头? 他的内心翻江倒海,几乎无法控制和承受。李煜后期的词作,都深深打上了他的生命烙印。从词史的发展进程来看,这些词已超越了诮歌的歌辞功能,而变成了一种抒发自我人生感受的特殊形态的抒情诗。





Wind back to the small hospital Ting-wu green, Liu Chun-phase eye continued. Ping Lan alone half-day silent, bamboo is still sound like new moon that year.Shengge not scattered statue lei in, the early solution of the surface of the ice. Ming Xiang dark painted floor candle deep, full of snow coming from the Si Qing Shuang Nan Jin.Chunhuaqiuyue time, and memories Color. Fashion goes in cycles, my country next month in the bitterly painful.Jade carving �0�8 �0�3puzzle to be still in force is changed. Q-jun can have how many unhappy, looking like a Spring River Flows East



春花秋月何时了?往事知多少? - 小楼昨夜又东风。故国不堪回首明月中。

雕栏玉砌应犹在。只是朱颜改。 - 问君能有几多愁。恰似一江春水向东流。

Li Yu: to the tune Lady Yu (transl. Hans Frankel)

Spring blossoms and autumn moon - when will they end? How much has happened in the past!

On the balcony last night, again an east wind, the moon was so bright, I couldn't bear to look toward my old kingdom.

The carved galleries and jade steps must still be there, only the rosy cheeks have changed.

I ask you, how much sorrow can there be? It's just like a whole river full of eastward flow in spring.


春花秋月何时了?往事知多少? - 小楼昨夜又东风。故国不堪回首明月中。

雕栏玉砌应犹在。只是朱颜改。 - 问君能有几多愁。恰似一江春水向东流。

Li Yu: to the tune Lady Yu (transl. Hans Frankel)

Spring blossoms and autumn moon - when will they end? How much has happened in the past!

On the balcony last night, again an east wind, the moon was so bright, I couldn't bear to look toward my old kingdom.

The carved galleries and jade steps must still be there, only the rosy cheeks have changed.

I ask you, how much sorrow can there be? It's just like a whole river full of eastward flow in spring.


春花秋月何时了?往事知多少? - 小楼昨夜又东风。故国不堪回首明月中。

雕栏玉砌应犹在。只是朱颜改。 - 问君能有几多愁。恰似一江春水向东流。

Li Yu: to the tune Lady Yu (transl. Hans Frankel)

Spring blossoms and autumn moon - when will they end? How much has happened in the past!

On the balcony last night, again an east wind, the moon was so bright, I couldn't bear to look toward my old kingdom.

The carved galleries and jade steps must still be there, only the rosy cheeks have changed.

I ask you, how much sorrow can there be? It's just like a whole river full of eastward flow in spring.



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